Editor-in-Chief F. Capriglione Editors F. Capriglione R.M. Lastra R. McCormick C. Paulus L. Reichlin M. Sakuramoto
Vol. 12 - Part
2 - Special Issue - 2023 Vol. 11 - Part
2 - Special Issue - 2022 Vol. 10 - Part
1 - Special Issue - 2021 Vol. 9 - Part
1 - Special Issue - 2020 Get the free viewer Publication Ethics |
About LEYR The “Law and Economics Yearly
Review” is an academic journal to promote a legal and economic debate. It is
published twice annually (Part I and Part II), by the Fondazione Gerardo
Capriglione Onlus (an organization aimed to promote
and develop the research activity on financial regulation) in association
with Queen Mary University of London. The journal faces questions about
development issues and other several matters related to the international
context, originated by globalization. Delays in political actions, limits of
certain Government’s policies, business development constraints and the
“sovereign debt crisis” are some aims of our studies. The global financial
and economic crisis is analysed in its controversial perspectives; the same
approach qualifies the research of possible Remedies to override this period
of progressive capitalism’s turbulences and to promote a sustainable
retrieval. Law and Economics Yearly Review (LEYR) is an international
double-blind peer-reviewed journal. The publications of LEYR are submitted for indexing
in SCOPUS, INSPEC, EBSCO, SSRN, Google Scholar and DBLP Fondazione Gerardo Capriglione Onlus
c/o Centre for Commercial Law Studies Queen Mary, University of London 67-69 Lincoln’s Inn
Fields London, WC2A 3JB United Kingdom fondazionecapriglione@luiss.it © 2012-2024 Law and Economics
Yearly Review – Fondazione Gerardo Capriglione Onlus
in association with Queen Mary University of London |
Editorial Board G.
Alpa M. Andenas A.
Antonucci R. Olivares-Caminal
Conte M. De
Marco M.
Hirano I.
MacNeil M.
Martinez M.
Pellegrini D.
Rossano C.
Schmid M.
Sepe A.
Steinhouse V.
Troiano V.
Uskov Editorial Advisory
Board F.
Buonocore N.
Casalino I. Kokkoris A.
Miglionico D.
Siclari ISSN 2050-9014 |